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What do you offer? 

I offer a range of both sensual services and domination and or fetishes. I have over 7 years experience in the industry and have done various types of fetishes, domination, sensual domination and roleplay.


Gfe - 



Sensual Domination - 


Fetishes -


Massage -


Are you 4/20 friendly? Alcohol friendly? Other?

420 is legal here in Canada. However I don't use thc and only use cbd strains or drinks. I do not consume or drink in my sessions. I think sober fun is much more enjoyable and prefer to be. I do not allow intoxication or hard drug use in my sessions. If you feel the need to smoke or use thc edibles that is fine if you know your limit. My incall has a balcony for smoking. Absolutely no hard drug use. If you have had a drink or 2 prior to coming that is fine but if any intoxication is noticed I will end the session and your payment will not be returned. This is for my safety.






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